Mackenzie Counselling Services is now

MCS - Mackenzie Community Services

MCS – Mackenzie Community Services is a non-profit society that provides multiple programs and specialized workshops to the community of Mackenzie. Services are free and available to anyone in the community. MCS is a multi-service agency funded through a variety of contracts, grants, and donations. The MCS team consists of qualified, respectful, and confidential professionals who strive to meet the needs of Mackenzie. Our goal is to provide and promote a healthier community.

Mackenzie Community Services: a place where everyone belongs

VISION: Connected people, healthy community

MISSION: Our mission is to help build thriving communities by supporting children, families, and individuals with their physical, mental, and social health and wellness.

VALUES: collaboration and connection, care and compassion, inclusion and accessibility, adaptability and creativity, fiscal and social responsibility.

Contact Us

MCS - Mackenzie Community Services

PO Box 790
500 Mackenzie Blvd.
Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0